The Salt Lake City Real Estate Report Card

The Real Estate Report!
Here we are again looking back over the last 30 days at our Salt Lake City Utah area Real Estate Market Market!
Here are the numbers looking back from 11/29/2010.


Total # Actives 6929
Sold last 30 days 514
Sold 365 Days 10221
Listed last 30 days 1246
Total Pending Sales 1388
Pending last 30 days 658
Expired last 30 days 1125
Expired listings 365 Days 12442
Months Supply of Homes 13.4


Total # Actives 1686
Sold last 30 days 88
Sold 365 days 1370
Listed last 30 days 235
Total Pending Sales 234
Pending last 30 days 109
Expired last 30 days 249
Expired listings 365 Days 2393
Months Supply of Homes 19.1

Average Days on Market 134
Average Price per Sq Foot $96

24.3% of our active listings are Short Sales...
18.8 % of the homes listed in the last 30 days are Short Sales...
16.8 % of the homes pending are Short sales...
22.1 % of pending homes in the last 30 days are Short Sales...
17.1 % of the total homes sold in the last 30 days were short sales...

Feel free to call me if you have questions about these numbers and what they mean!
I’m always available to help you with your real estate needs!
Your referrals are the lifeblood of my business and allow me to concentrate on my clients!


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